Smudge Sticks
Smudge sticks can be used for cleansing of the aura, for example before meditation or prayer, or they are quite often used by body workers and therapists before treatments.
Smudging has long been used to connect to the spiritual realm or enhance intuition.
Burning sage or smudge can lift one’s mood it could also be a great ally against stress.
The practice of burning smudging is fairly simple, a seashell or bowl of ceramic, clay dishs, or glass to hold burning sage or capture ash, optional you can use feather or fan for fanning smoke.
White sage for example is used to get rid of negative influences, by burning the plant. During this process a sharp spicy aroma is released. It’s stronger than its counterpart Palo Santo, although sage is used more often.
The original Latin name of this power plant is Salvia Apiana and it grows 100% naturally.
Using White Sage
White sage is regarded as a sacred plant by the Chumash people. Smudge sticks of this sage are burned as a way to cleanse and purify an area, though it is also possible to achieve this by anointing a white candle with sage oil and burning it, or sprinkling ground sage leaves in the corners or around the perimeter of a room.
Many witches from European traditions save the ashes from burning sage (either white sage or common sage) to add to recipes for black salt, which is used for cleansing and protection.
If you need something to help you banish negative energy and cleanse your space, white sage is a powerful way to do it. The leaves smolder well on their own so you do not need to place them on top of charcoal. Cleanse your home or sacred space using by lighting a white sage leaf or the tip of a smudge stick, and placing it in a fireproof vessel.
Carry this clockwise around the area you wish to cleanse, fanning the smoke with a feather so it touches every corner, paying close attention to closets and dark areas. Make sure you end the smudging session at an open front door - letting all that negative energy out of your house.
To Use the Smudge Stick
Light one end of your smudge stick, and gently blow the flame into the bundle. After it has ignited part way, extinguish by partly smothering the flame until the stick only smokes from the burning embers, rather than from a pure flame. Please ensure that visible flame is out before moving on.
The smoking smudge stick is now ready for use; one can begin to direct smoke around the body using the smudge stick in a brushing manner to cleansing the user. Once completed use the smudge stick in your chosen area, other person or item.
We would recommend using a receptacle to catch falling embers and to serve as resting place for the smudge stick. We display an Abalone Shell on site for this purpose.
You can use a fan or feather to direct the smoke if you wish to direct smoke around your self, another person, or in your place of ceremony to purify the energy that is present. This can be done by casting spiraling circles with the smudge stick, starting from the centre, and widening the circle with each pass.
Some people like to set square wards with the smoke using the four directions, and some more simply open the four directions with a trail of smoke.
The smoke from the smudge stick may also be directed as an invocation honouring the four directions, (the father sun, the mother god).
When you have finished using your smudge stick EXTINGUISH your smudge stick completely, smother the end and examine closely to ensure the stick is completely out. Personally, I leave the smudge stick outside once I have finished smudging.
• Your Stick may continue to burn if not completely extinguished.
• Falling Embers can ignite soft furnishings.
• Falling Embers can harm carpets
• Smoke will be considerable Opening Windows may be required
• Ensure you have something to smother or snuff the flame ready before you start.
Happy Smudging!
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