What is the AquaKat?
The AquaKat is a physical water revitalisation device that during manufacture is charged with a series of known beneficial frequency patterns. These include spring water and oxygen as well as many others.
When installed the AquaKat resonates these frequencies into the mains water as it flows through the supply pipe. In certain cases where a larger body of water is to be treated an AquaKat can actually be placed directly into the water such as in a reservoir or storage tank. Whichever method is used the frequencies emitted from the AquaKat initiate a change within the water bringing it back into harmony with natural spring water and improving both drinking quality and solution carrying capacity.
The AquaKat will work for approximately 20 to 25 years, when you have various filter systems in place the average costs are £3750 for 20-25 years worth of filters, depending on how many filters are in your system.
For les than £150 you can have water from your tap.